Social Days in field
Under the project, Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan celebrate the social day every year with joy. On these social days, workshops, rally and other awareness programs are organised effectively with deprived rural section and the significant knowledgeable information about the importance of these social days is shared with the section. The following social days are organised and celebrated by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan.
The Earth Day
The Environment Day
The Women Day
The Youth Day
The Peace Day
Gandhi Jayanti
World Aids Day
Labor Day
Health Day
Ambedkar Jayanti
Yoga Day
The primary objective of the project is to get public informed of the impotance of these social days get them aware.
Demand of the Project
An ordinary person has a little information and less aware of the importance the social days declared by the United Nations Organisation and the Government of India and the deprived section is miles away from these social days. The deprived and poor people don't the get the awareness message of the social days declared every year which keeps this section unaware of the significant and appreciable social issues forever.
15000 people got aware of the importance of these social days.
The society got information of its rights.
Public got alert and aware of fatal diseases.
The society is getting aware of various issues as environment conservation and sex-ratio.
Women are empowered with oneness.
The youth is getting aware by the principles of Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekanand.
The labor now recognizes his rights.
Deprived women getting self-reliant.
People get aware of education. The literacy rate is increasing.
People get aware of issues concerning social and national development.